
Hydraulic Power Packs

Hydraulic Power Packs and Complete Hydraulic Systems

As manufacturer of hydraulic power units the Hunger Maschinen GmbH supplies complete system solutions for all cases of application in the hydraulic field. The range of products offered covers pressures from 50 to 400 bar and a flow rate of up to 5000 l. The plants can be set up to use all the usual media employed in hydraulics. These hydraulic plants have proven their worth especially in civil engineering as well as in the iron, steel and aluminium industry.

We design and manufacture hydraulic systems according to customer's specification of any size and for the most various fields of application!

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Hydraulic Plants for Steel Construction in Hydraulic Engineering

Hydroelectric Power Plant Rheinfelden
From 2005 through 2006 Hunger Maschinen GmbH (through company Hans Künz, Austria) furnished one of the largest European hydroelectric power plant projects by providing 7 hydraulic power packs for 7 power plant dams consisting of 3 sector gates with flap gate and 4 without flap gate. Aditionally, 14 control blocks for the sector cylinders as well as 6 control blocks for the clamshell cylinders were provided by our sister company Walter Hunger GmbH Co. KG.

The 100 year old river power station was replaced with a more modern and efficient equipment. The new construction enabled the average annual capacity to be tripled to 600 GWh.

Hydraulic Plants for Open Pit Mining

Crusher Open Pit Mine Yimin He (CN)
In 2007, Hunger Maschinen GmbH supplied ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik with power units for a fully automatic coal crusher located in Yimin He (Inner Mongolia, China). A hydraulic drive station with a drive capacity of P = 2 x 250 kW and a total output capacity of Q = 1050 l/min powered a crusher conveyor drive, 1 hydraulic power pack for the crusher discharge boom, 4 hydraulic power packs for the conveyor plant, 1 hydraulic power pack for the double roll crusher, as well as 4 control blocks for the transport crawler.

Under the most demanding climatic conditions, the plant mines approximately 3000 t Kohle per hour in China's northernmost open pit mine. As a result of the double roll crushers, the plant is ideally suited to crush loose rock and bedrock that can withstand pressures of up to 180 MPa. In addition to coal, other minerals such as: rocks and soils, natural stones, slags and cement clinker can be mined with this crusher.

Hydraulic Power Units for Industrial Furnace and Aluminium Casting Plants

For more than two decades Hunger Maschinen GmbH has been renowned as a supplier for hydraulic systems to the aluminium sector. Our hydraulic power packs serve as drives for vertical casting plants with tilting frames, for casting and melting furnace technology, aluminium pusher furnaces, charging machines and other casting plants which are employed world-wide in the metal working industry. We engineer, design and manufacture custom-made solutions for up to 120 t casting weight.

Further fields of application

  • Offshore
  • Ship construction
  • Machine-tool manufacture
  • Press construction
  • Test bed engineering
  • Special technologies
  • Building machinery
  • Environmental technology

HUNGER Hydraulic Solutions – Successfully Operating Worldwide